metaphorically different.
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Love shouldn’t be something you can define, or even explain. Love could be so much more, or less than you think of.
Love isn’t just about a ‘special someone’. Love isn’t just a ‘crush’. Love is more than just a four letter word. Love is more than just ‘you and me’. Love is a feeling. Love is a spark. Love is intimate, close, loving. Love is caring. Love is priority. Love is sympathetic. Love is commitment. Love is faithful. Love is your boyfriend or your girlfriend.
But to be honest, love is also stupid. Love is hard. Love is time-wasting. Love is brain-washing. Love is unkind. Love is hypocritical. Love is cruel. Love is angry. Love is frustrating. Love is discriminating. Love is powerful yet powerless. Love is hurtful, painful, skillful. Love is intentional. Love is accidental. Love is messy. Love is rushed. Love is overused. Overrated. Under-estimated.
Love can be all those things at once, and it hits you without you even knowing. Worst thing is, love can be all those things at once, yet we humans need it.
Love isn’t just a feeling between you and a boy. Love isn’t just about having sex and getting called ‘babe’. Yet all the juniors at our school, age fourteen, fifteen, or even worse, thirteen, throwing around the word ‘love’? Do you even know what love is? I’ve been living on this earth for nearly 18 years and I don’t even know what love is. So really, our minds all work the same regardless on the age, our meaning of ‘love’ is so immature, so limited, that we simply just use that word to describe anything as mini as a crush.
The word love is so overused that sometimes it doesn’t even mean anything anymore. Love. Love. Love. I love you. I really love you. I wish people can put their life into them when they say it to someone. That they truly mean it from the bottom of their heart. That when they say I love you; its also a promise to be able to sacrifice anything for them.
It’s hard to appreciate something when you’re grasping it with your hands. It’s hard to be thankful for what you have. Because no matter who we are, what age we are, we are all immature at some points, and as our lives change, we don’t learn to not be immature, but we learn to feel that maturity will be the only thing that keeps us moving on with our lives. But I don’t feel that. I believe, no matter what, we all, and will still have the inner kid embodied inside of us, no matter how deep.