metaphorically different.
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I have goals. I have dreams. I have wishes hoping to come true. And I believe, each one of every humans on this Earth have those three set in their hearts and minds. Tell me that I am wrong and present me one person who have no wishes or dreams or goals in his life. Just one, and I'll take back my words.
It's easy to set a goal in life. Or perhaps, have dreams and wishes to liven up our hopes. But what are those without even trying to achieve it? Maybe not all dreams and wishes will come true. But it's not impossible. All it takes is a little bit of effort, and keep trying with a tinch of faith.
It's easy as reciting 1,2,3 and A,B,C to tell the whole world what we want in life. But it's meaningless if what we said is only meant to be heard but not to be achieved and seen by people. So what's the point of telling people about it? Just to point out that you too, have dreams in your life? Oh come on, if you are capable to achieve it, it would have at least make the whole point of teling your "dreams" seems much more worth it.
A much more common ones are we humans wanting to be successful. We yearn to get a high class living style and be among the rich people on Earth. We want to be smart and have as high education we can get. We simply want to lead the best in life. But with a couldn't care less attiude in school, no effort in trying to be among the top, how can you even get a good living lifestyle?!
A person who regrets of his past, who wants to work harder and be a better student would have at least show improvements. If waking up in the morning is a big issue, it could be help. There are ways to solve it if only you are willing to find help. Well, if you could wake up early to go out with friends, I don't find it a problem waking up for school. If you have been sleeping late, then sleep early. If you can't sleep, get a doctor and presribe a sleeping pill. If you have trainings till night, go home straight away and rest. Not to hang out with friends. Nobody says its gonna be easy but sometimes, in life, we have to sacrifice what we want for what we need. if friends and hobbies can make a living for your future, by all means, quit school and carry on with this and see how long it can last!
And nobody said studying is easy. Nobody gets to study what they want in life. At times, we have to face topics that are not to our likings but that's not a reason we can fail. If we could have make an effort to understand, to get more knowledge from someone who's good at it, to study, it is possible to get a pass. All it takes is our efforts, and our hearts to do it.
If trainings have been taking up alot of times for your studies, you have to consider the pros and cons. Sometimes, we have to let go something for the best of our future. Our passion won't run away. Once we're over and done with school, we could have continue with it.
I swear I don't understand these people. The ones who doesn't want to admit that they are being unreasonable. Instead, they become agitated and upset, feeling that we get the wrong idea and don't understand them. We do understand the difficulties. But it's not a very rare issues faced by people. It's common and curable. It is POSSIBLE to overcome with. & I really cannot understand those who actually said that they are actually trying, but the fact is, there's not effort in trying. Trying to set alarm clock half an hour early, but you still sleep late, that is not trying. That is simply making a fool of yourself.
To all these people, I have no rights to direct your life whatsoever. But please have some moments by yourself, try to imagine your life in 10 years ahead, figure out what you want to do and decide what is best for yourself. Don't think what you want now. Don't think of your wants, but your needs. In 10 years time, you will have a family of your own. At the state of yourself now, not caring for your studies, how can you possibly be the successor of your family? Perhaps think about your parents now. Do you want to waste their money for your stupidity, for your selfish wants? Oh come on, throw away your ego and your hard headed away, and start opening up your eyes and mind.
I wouldn't set myself as one of the role models or one of the examples to this. I have regrets that I wished I could take back and change things in the past. I would have took study seriously right from my secondary days so that i won't have to think a lot about my future now. Perhaps I could have started trying hard when I stepped into RP, maybe things would have been easier. Despite the unsatisfaction of my GPA, I am at least grateful that I do not have to repeat any modules or stay back in RP. But with my current results now, the possibilities of me pursuing to a higher education seems vague. Nonetheless, I am trying hard now.
Some people need a knock on their head to get some sense once in awhile.
Just Being Honest,
A million thoughts running in the mind, waiting to be let out, to be heard. It's been awhile. In fact, it's been too long. My secrets, my desires, my wishes, my dreams, my goals, my opinions - everything. it's been long enough being kept within myself. It's impossible to be told, but it badly wanted to be heard.
An example as simple as my wants can be such a huge burden in my life. Like how badly you wanted to get that particular thing or someone, but a friend or a family member of yours was against it, and you have to think twice whether to still go for it or not. Things that revolves in life are also such a pain in the ass. Like how you deal with things, your reactions, every single step you take, every single movement you make, is being judged. When certain things make you feel uneasy, how you want to run away or avoid from certain people, or how you cannot control your emotional feelings, but some expects you to face it, to overcome it just because they don't have problems with it. Well, nobody can understand anybody.
I just don't understand life, or perhaps the human beings. If it's okay to accept one's living be it whether they're rich or poor, or accepting one's look be it that they're ugly or beautiful, why can't one accept a person's feeling, thoughts or desire?
Being around with humans that judge, have likes and dislikes, who indirectly directs my life, its hard. Having people who can simply tell you not to do this and that despite you yearning to have it and you don't do it just to please the person. Having people who tells you things that might silent you from sharing your thoughts just because you don't want to be judged differently. Life is hard having people around you, but you have to live with it. Thats why it's important to know when to keep your mouth shut or you might just end up in the wrong place.
Just being honest,
Ramadhan, a month that all muslims looked forward to, a month we try avoiding making sins, a month of families gathering to break fast together, and a month of overcoming any obstacles with faith. Like any other muslims, I reminisced the past years of ramadhan, recalling the people I celebrated with, be it they're still here with me or already gone.
Last year was.. challenging, yet the best. It was a hard time for me as well as for him as he was busy with rehearsals and trainings for YOG. For a month, we rarely met. To be precised, I remembered very well we only had a short meet ups four times just to break fast together. Four days out of a month. To think of it, it was a good thing that we didnt meet up always since Ramadhan is a holy month and by meeting rarely, we can avoid a careless sins.
But it was hard at the same time. Really hard. Hearing girls complaining not being able to meet her boyfriend when they meet up every week, every fortnight, yet here I was, not being able to contact him but I endured throughout the months. It really frustrates me looking at all this girls being whiny and whats not when they should at the very least appreciate that its not the end of the world not being able to meet.
If I am given another chance to go through another Ramadhan like last year, I would sacrifice anything to get it back, knowing that Im still with him. Well, this year is different. I'm going through alone. No looking forward to breaking fast with someone special together nor planning out colours to go Raya with friends as a couple. And I am okay with that.
It doesn't matter whoever you're with or whether you're alone. What matters is yourself and what you did in this holy month.
May you overcome any obstacles given and think of Allah every second of the day.
Salam Ramadhan.